Friday, November 30, 2012

Monticello City Council Reviews Water Plans

While water intake in Monticello is still down, according to City Public Works Supervisor Nathan Langston, it is keeping up with what is being used currently in the city.

Langston reported to the City Council on November 13 that Loyds Lake is at the lowest level it’s been at since the last drought.

The city water department is working on a proposal to the water conservancy district to get all the commercial and large users set up on secondary water metering next year.

They will present the proposal to the district on December 20 and hope for a refund of the $29,500 city contributes to the district for the next two years to meter the commercial and large users.

Once that phase of the project is complete, they plan to present a second phase for residential metering and will seek $300,000 from them for that portion of the project.

If approved, they will need an additional $200,000 for residential metering and plan to apply to the Community Impact Board for that portion of the funding. San Juan Journal