Tuesday, October 9, 2012

In Utah, food bank expands its reach

Utah's San Juan County is the definition of remote. It's located in the southeast corner of the state with only 14,746 people across an area of 7,933 square miles.

And like many areas of the country, an increasing number of those people face food shortages.

"We feed about 700 families per month and I don't think we've even scratched the surface," said Sandra Asbury, CEO of Transitions, which serves adults with disabilities throughout the county. "We're the only food bank service in San Juan County and that includes the Navajo and Ute reservations."

Until recently, Transitions received its food supplies from the Utah Food Bank based in Salt Lake City. Then in the spring of 2011 the Utah Food Bank opened a southern Utah branch in St. George to better serve remote areas like San Juan County.

The new facility has increased deliveries to rural areas by 50 percent since it opened last year. USA Today